St Maarten Couples Sensual Bucket List Massage

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st maarten couple massage sensual

First, of all a sensual couples massage in st maarten involves a specific touch by 2 trained professionals.

Second, when clients arrive this page the question is “what exactly is a Sensual Couples Massage?”

Uniquely, A couple’s sensual massage is a sensual experience in st.maarten that is designed to be enjoyed by both partners simultaneously.

Comparatively to a regular massage,

It’s an intimate and sensual encounter

As well as where a professional masseur or masseuse provides a sensual massage to both individuals.

Not only is The aim is to enhance connection, intimacy, and pleasure between the partners.

During a couple’s erotic massage, the masseur or masseuse may create a romantic and relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting, soothing music, and aromatherapy.

The session typically takes place in a comfortable and private space, allowing the couple to fully focus on their sensual journey together.

St Maarten massage techniques used in a couple’s sensual massage

The massage techniques used in a couple’s erotic massage may include:

  • beginners relaxation massage to ensure the clients are comfortable
  • Whole body Massage with aim of sensual ending
  • inner Thighs and chest area
  • waist, buttocks,chest area and privates
  • body-to-body contact is preformed on request
  • treatments are customizable
  • Soft sensual available

The intention is to awaken the senses, stimulate erogenous zones, and create a heightened state of arousal for both partners.

The masseur or masseuse may pay equal attention to both individuals, ensuring that each partner receives pleasure and relaxation throughout the session.

Benefits of a couple’s sensual massage

One of the significant benefits of a couple’s erotic massage is the deepening of intimacy and connection between partners.

It offers an opportunity to explore and communicate desires, fantasies, and boundaries in a safe and consensual environment.

The shared experience can foster trust, enhance communication, and reignite the passion within the relationship.

Sensual Massage Service By Male or two Females

In some cases one or two of the participants ,might be a bit nervous

with this intention, the initial job of the therapist is to get the clients at ease.

So that,it is clear,your treatments can be one male and one female or two females

A Male or female Sensual Massage Therapist in St  Martin will work  on sensitive areas.

of the body like your inner thighs, chest/breast , buttocks, geniality and there is stroking and soft caresses incorporating  sometimes something of a ‘orilita’   bringing the body to touch, adding the sensual touch seamlessly.

Don’t Even Bring this up, if your partner might not be for a sensual couple massage in st.maarten.

It’s important to note that in a couple’s erotic massage, the level of intimacy and boundaries are determined by the comfort and consent of both partners

Open communication with the masseur or masseuse before and during the session is crucial to ensure that everyone’s desires and limits are respected.

Overall, a couple’s erotic massage can be a sensual and pleasurable experience that brings partners closer together, deepens their connection, and allows them to explore and indulge in their shared desires.

No “Body” Discrimination @ SXM Massage Sensual Touch

Most noteworthy: your body size , the moles , your  shape , color, little or lots of hair has all been seen by our therapist

None of the above is a reason to pass of this experience .

If after 20- 25 minutes , a female client is still not been able to relax and let go , we encourage the client, husband of the client  and our therapist knows right away  “never force suggest” but easily downgrade the treatment to Swedish or Naturalist  for the rest of the time .

Book A Couple Massage with a Sensual twist

You deserve this !

equally important is that the person giving the massages loves the fact that you chose us

Call + 1721 526 5574 to book your in room massage , male and female therapist eager to please

3 responses to “Couples Sensual Massage, What is a Sensual Massage?”

  1. Like many, I have been looking for more details. It does not have to be an x-rated story but it needs more details than provided here. For example, I traded several emails and had a couple of telephone conversation with several massage services. I finally found my answers but it took a couple of weeks of research before I found what I was looking for. I now have an appointment for a sensual massage for my wife setup for coming visit. and I am we are both looking forward to the experience. For those wondering what to expect, your wife or you will be the limiting factor.

  2. I tried a relaxation massage with a sensual touch while vacationing in st. Maarten. It was an unforgettable experience for me while my partner was at the beach.

    Being a woman over 53 I was apprehensive but it turned out to be a fun experience

    They travel to the Orient Village Club and I believe everything cost me around $200

  3. I actually tried the sensual massage last evening with and it was a blast. I saw the comment about the lady that was over 55 and it got me motivated because I am only 51. Me and my husband divorced 7 years ago and I have not dated or been interested in getting out until the last year. Which is strange because I am getting up there in age. I saw this advertisement and decided to give it a try and even though they were on vacation I spoke to the owner and he assigned a therapist for me. I won’t get into the details but I will say that it is a full-body adult massage. Liberating and senaual in many ways
    . I don’t know if I would do it again but I am glad I give it a try for at least once Stacy

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